Sunday, April 1, 2012


In November 2012, we will be faced with the choice between a quarter-billionaire who continually re-invents himself politically, and an incumbent who may not be trustworthy either, a casualty of the terror war.

Romney would cut taxes on the wealthy, cut services for everyone else and go to war at the drop of an Israeli's hat. Obama told Yemen to keep a Pulitzers prize-winning Yemeni journalist, Abdulelah Shaye, imprisoned. The real charge against him: he interviewed possible terrorists, making him an "associate" of al Qaeda. According to Obama's new NDAA, associates of al Qaeda can be detained indefinitely.

Shaye crossed Obama, because he proved that the US is waging war in Yemen. The transparent American-Yemeni official fiction: Yemenis were doing it themselves--assassinating opponents with drones only the US had. Many people suspected this was going on, but Shaye was in the field and witnessed it. So, he was doing his job and informing the world; what the best journalists do. And for that he's still held in a Yemeni prison, thanks to Obama's personal phone call to Yemen's President.

On one side there is a plutocrat who will take any position if it will win him GOP votes, and on the other, a former constitutional law professor, who acts as if freedom of the press is a national threat. And he's the signer of the NDAA that gave him this power. He first objected that it wasn't strong enough!

What would happen if Romney were elected? He supports attacking Iran and virtually every other war; he's likely to escalate the one in Yemen.

Who is Obama? On government leaks, he has become more extreme than Nixon, while on economic and social issues he's somewhat sane, compared to the positions Romney has taken to win GOP support.

Some have said that the November election will be between a born-again right-wing Republican and a moderate Republican marked D on the ballot. Romney has compromised anything he ever stood for when Governor of Massachusetts--and his advisor revealingly blurted out that everything Romney said for the primaries would be wiped clean in his General Election campaign (the etch-a-sketch remark). Romney's unabashed hypocrisy is astounding, but he won't be able to hide from it: his primary positions are flying all over the internet, such as his pledge to defund Planned Parenthood as soon as he takes office. Republicans will hold him to it.

Super-pacs will broadcast every slip Romney made, every cockamamie thing he said to win over the right-wing--over and over. They're having to doctor voices and events to get Obama, but super-pacs will do that, too.

Hold your nose, wish there was a viable third party, but know there isn't, then vote, hoping our progression towards what happened to Rome in 476 is slow enough that we can reverse it--if we can Occupy sanity, instead.

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